Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter means Freedom

Easter means freedom. Freedom from...

1) Empty pursuits: No need to figure out our purpose in life. The resurrection shows us that our purpose is to live a divine driven life! Give up our empty pursuits. Our life needs to be rooted in Him, in He which is eternal. I can't put my trust in people. Nothing else will bring true fulfillment than doing the will of God.

2) Adamic guilt: We started out wrong. Jesus will get us right. We were born in sin. Jesus took that guilt away from us, we don't have to carry it with us anymore. Great exchange of his righteousness for my sin.

3) Spiritual death: Result of adamic guilt, we become the living dead. Living in a state of spiritual death. We bare the nature of Adam, a self-centered, egocentric life.

4) Eternal Damnation: Those who reject Him will suffer from eternal damnation. Jesus gives us freedom from eternal damnation, from hell. We don't need to worry about eternal damnation. God through Christ has done everything possible to lift us out of eternal damnation. Don't blame God if we reject Him.

5) Reservations about the future: Jesus came to say "you don't have to worry." The curse of sin is all around us, but we don't have to worry. We know who holds the future, Jesus Christ. The world is suppose to get worse and worse before Christ comes. God is our refuge, and He is our strength! Although we do not know what the future holds, we know who holds the future.

1 comment:

  1. notes from the sermon "Easter means Freedom", u can d/l it at http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/Enduring_Truth/archives.asp?bcd=2009-4-9
