Tuesday, February 24, 2009


We all seek it everyday of our lives. We want to be recognized, we want to be loved, we want to be awknowledged that we're doing a good job. We seek approval from our parents, friends, employers, and even our spouses and significant others. But why? Why are we so focused on what other people think? We can't we just seek God's approval? Why can't we see that the only person's approval that we need is His, and chances are He already gives it to us.

And yet we ignore it. Yet we still hope that pretty girl will see us as a potential and return the feelings. We still hope that if we do well in school and get that 4.0, our parents and our friends will see us with respect. But what about our character? What about the things unspoken? What about the sacrifices that we make to ourselves which we suffer with everyday, and yet no one but God knows about it? Why can't that be good enough? To know that God is with us, smiling down on us, and loving us every single second of every single day.

We seek approval on this rock, this pitiful little piece of space dust floating in the vastness of the universe. And we want to be recognized by the people living on it. The devil's kingdom is Earth, he hates hell himself. So on this little rock we seek approval of the world. We want to be seen as successful through material possessions and the number of connections we have with the world. Why can't we be content that we're good people? That we try to show God everyday that we love Him. Why can't we strive for God's approval instead of the worlds. His expectations are much lower and His reward is much greater.


Even when everyone in the world is giving you a standing ovation, but God is still sitting down in His seat, you have gained nothing. And yet if God is the only one standing and applauding you, then you have gained everything. Don't get sucked down in this world. Don't let the little whispers of gossip and the weight of the world bring you down. You honestly don't need this world, all you need is God. What does this world offer that's more satisfying that knowing the Lord Jesus Christ?

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